Our story is simple: We saw an opportunity and launched Top & Derby, with the vision of disrupting a stagnant industry that lacks innovation. We aren’t reinventing the wheel, we’re just designing beautiful home healthcare products like compression stockings and canes, that people can be proud to own. In 2013 we launched our inaugural product; the Chatfield walking cane, through a successful 30-day crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. The campaign allowed us to test the market before investing further in the manufacturing of our product. Since then we have shipped our walking sticks to customers in over 110 cities and 9 countries around the world. In 2014 we received an IDEA Award from the Industrial Designers Society of America. This recognition inspired us to seek out new opportunities to re-imagine other poorly designed medical products.

In the spring of 2015 we launched another successful crowdfunding campaign through Kickstarter, this time to introduce a new line of fashion-forward compression socks. We noticed that most generic socks of this kind were bland and boring and did little to inspire confidence in the user. Our progressive compression socks were a stylish and colorful solution to this problem. We have since refined, improved and expanded our collection and continue to ship our compression stockings to happy customers all over the world.

As Top & Derby has gained further traction in the market, we have continued to receive glowing feedback from people who share stories with us about the ways in which our products have made a positive impact in their lives. There’s an assumption that people don’t want well-designed home healthcare products, but when we ask users what they want, they couldn’t echo our vision more. We aim to challenge the stigma around disability and ageing, inspire the self-confidence of people who use our products.